3DM Analyst is the most powerful terrestrial photogrammetric package on the market.

Eric Kloosterman, Project Manager, Fugro

... the ADAM Technology software is more accurate, faster, more flexible, easier to use, more robust and more rapidly developing, provides better quality models, has better software support and requires less training.

BMA Coal, Goonyella Trial Report

I have used 3DM Analyst where no other technology was able to provide a solution.

Wayne Budarick, Chief Surveyor, Griffin Coal

Based on technical considerations of the trial results, ADAM Technology's 3DM Analyst plus CalibCam softwares provide the best solutions for BMA's highwall mapping.

BMA Coal, Goonyella Trial Report

I normally don't budget for ongoing support — instead, I do 'catch-up' purchases every two or three years. However, the quality of support we've had from ADAM Technology over the last 12 months has been really excellent, and so in this case I'm going to make an exception!

Dr. Jon Osborn, University of Tasmania

After using free software and testing other packages like Photoscan and Photomodeler 3DM Analyst is in a different league in terms of camera calibration, flexibility of application, meshing capabilities and provenancing of work flow.

Dr. Caradoc Peters, University of Plymouth

It is a joy to use and exciting to be able to say we are the first university and department in the UK to have it.

Dr. Caradoc Peters, University of Plymouth

After exhaustive testing of 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite for building DTMs of coal mines in western Venezuela, we are convinced that the software provides reliable and accurate results in a fraction of the time required by traditional photogrammetry.

Mark Lander, Carto Sur C.A.

We believe this solution offers the same or better precision than aerial LIDAR and at much lower cost.

Mark Lander, Carto Sur C.A.

The system is an eminently practical solution for surveying mines in developing countries requiring nothing more complicated in the field than a quality digital camera and GPS receivers.

Mark Lander, Carto Sur C.A.

I had never done anything like this before and approached ADAM Technology for their advice on the best settings to use. I received more assistance than I could have expected, I was very impressed with the support.

Greg Little, Thiess Indonesia
Colourful DTM UAV in flight UAV pit contours Snowy DTM Snowy DTM contours Underground DTM Underground DTM contours



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About ADAM Technology

ADAM Technology develops innovative precision measuring systems for remote 3D measurement using Photogrammetry. More...

What is Photogrammetry?

Photogrammetry is the science of using 2D images to make accurate measurements and models in 3D.

How does photogrammetry work?

How accurate is photogrammetry?

Media Articles

"Look – Up in the Air, It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane… No It’s Just Another Drone",
LiDAR News, May 2013

"Here comes the Drone Age",
Sydney Morning Herald, September 2012

"Digital Photogrammetry and ADAM Technology",
Geoinformatics, June 2012

"Australian miners send drones to work",
"Australia turns to homegrown drones",
"Use cases for Australian mining UAVs", and
"Mining drones bridge workplace safety concerns",
iTnews, May 2012

"Laser Scanning versus Photogrammetry?",
American Surveyor, June 2010, and Geomatics World, March/April 2010

"The UAV Experience",
Position Magazine, December/January 2008

"Digital Cameras In Indonesia",
Asian Surveying and Mapping, September 2005