Eric Kloosterman, Project Manager, Fugro3DM Analyst is the most powerful terrestrial photogrammetric package on the market.
BMA Coal, Goonyella Trial Report... the ADAM Technology software is more accurate, faster, more flexible, easier to use, more robust and more rapidly developing, provides better quality models, has better software support and requires less training.
Wayne Budarick, Chief Surveyor, Griffin CoalI have used 3DM Analyst where no other technology was able to provide a solution.
BMA Coal, Goonyella Trial ReportBased on technical considerations of the trial results, ADAM Technology's 3DM Analyst plus CalibCam softwares provide the best solutions for BMA's highwall mapping.
Dr. Jon Osborn, University of TasmaniaI normally don't budget for ongoing support — instead, I do 'catch-up' purchases every two or three years. However, the quality of support we've had from ADAM Technology over the last 12 months has been really excellent, and so in this case I'm going to make an exception!
Dr. Caradoc Peters, University of PlymouthAfter using free software and testing other packages like Photoscan and Photomodeler 3DM Analyst is in a different league in terms of camera calibration, flexibility of application, meshing capabilities and provenancing of work flow.
Dr. Caradoc Peters, University of PlymouthIt is a joy to use and exciting to be able to say we are the first university and department in the UK to have it.
Mark Lander, Carto Sur C.A.After exhaustive testing of 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite for building DTMs of coal mines in western Venezuela, we are convinced that the software provides reliable and accurate results in a fraction of the time required by traditional photogrammetry.
Mark Lander, Carto Sur C.A.We believe this solution offers the same or better precision than aerial LIDAR and at much lower cost.
Mark Lander, Carto Sur C.A.The system is an eminently practical solution for surveying mines in developing countries requiring nothing more complicated in the field than a quality digital camera and GPS receivers.
Greg Little, Thiess IndonesiaI had never done anything like this before and approached ADAM Technology for their advice on the best settings to use. I received more assistance than I could have expected, I was very impressed with the support.
ADAM is proud to be a Silver Sponsor of the ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium 2024 from the 22nd to the 25th of October, 2024, in Perth. Join us at table 3!
ADAM had a table at the WA Geospatial Conference 2023 on the 16th of February, 2023, in Perth.
ADAM will be in booth 5 at ACG's Second International Slope Stability in Mining Conference 2021 from the 26th to the 28th of October, 2021, in Perth.
ADAM will be in booth 123 at AusIMM's Underground Operators Conference 2021 from the 15th to the 17th of March, 2021, in Perth.
ADAM will be participating in the Hong Kong Construction Innovation and Technology Fund's COVID-safe virtual conference CITF ConTech 2020 from the 15th of September to the 13th of October, 2020, with a video presentation from our Sales and Marketing Manager Kevin Ha (in Cantonese with English subtitles) 2:30 PM Hong Kong time on the 15th of September followed by a live chat session in both English and Chinese with Kevin and Managing Director Jason Birch until 3:45 PM. (Click on "Technologies Sharing" and then "Advanced Design and Manufacturing Pty Ltd" to access our virtual booth.) Please join us and register now!
建造業創新及科技基金 Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) ConTech 2020. 一齊體驗360°建造業創新科技領域!
In-house and onsite training are now available once again in Western Australia; however travel restrictions and quarantine requirements mean that they are only available to customers already within Western Australia. Online training remains available, as is phone and email support.
In light of recent developments with COVID-19 and the impending shutdown of non-essential services across the country, ADAM Technology will not be conducting in-house or onsite training from 23rd March until 30th April 2020, at which point the situation will be reviewed again.
Online training is still available, as is phone and email support. ADAM staff are all able to successfully work from home so even during a total shutdown ADAM will still be able to continue operating.
We appreciate your understanding in this unprecedented situation.
ADAM will be in booth 77 at AusIMM's Underground Operators Conference 2020 from the 25th to the 27th of March, 2020, in Perth. Update: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic this conference has been rescheduled to the 15th to the 17th of March, 2021.
ADAM will be in booth 1 at AusIMM's International Mining Geology 2019 Conference from the 25th to the 26th of November, 2019, in Perth.
ADAM will be exibiting at LIFE 2019 and also presenting a talk entitled "Modern Photogrammetry and Computer Vision: Blurring the Boundaries". The talk will summarise some of the differences between the photogrammetry that surveyors may have studied as an undergraduate and modern photogrammetric systems and how they impact real-world applications of the technology.
ADAM will be presenting a talk entitled "Beyond the Black Box" at the SSSIWA & AIMS 2019 Mine Surveyors Seminar co-hosted by The Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute and The Australian Institute of Mine Surveyors. The talk will open the black box of modern photogrammetry systems and explain some of their inner workings and the implications for practioners in the field.
ADAM will be in booth 13 at the 1st International Conference on Mining Geomechanical Risk from the 9th to the 11th of April, 2019, in Perth.
ADAM is pleased to announce the appointment of John Godfrey as Sales and Account Manager. John has over a decade's worth of experience in the industry and will be running our Brisbane office.
ADAM will be presenting a talk entitled "Applications of photogrammetry in slope monitoring" at the Australian Centre for Geomechanics' "Instrumentation and Slope Monitoring Workshop" to be held in Perth, WA, on the 26th of October, 2018. Anyone interested in attending the workshop can download and complete the registration brochure and send it to the addresses provided.
ADAM will be in booth 513 at the 61st Annual Meeting of the AEG from the 15th to the 23rd of September, 2018, in San Francisco.
Leapfrog have published a very interesting case study on their website that shows how Leapfrog Geo is being combined with 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite to quickly and efficiently produce structural geological models at Cowal Gold in New South Wales.
ADAM will be in booth 15 at the Underground Mining Technology 2017 Conference from the 11th to the 13th of October, 2017, in Sudbury.
Surpac 6.8.0 has been officially released with support for fully textured DTMs exported from 3DM Analyst, as showcased in Dassault's GEOVIA User Conference Presentations featuring UAV-captured stockpile data and underground DTMs provided by ADAM Technology. This complements the Surpac dtm and str support already in 3DM Analyst that can be used to export other data. (Click on the thumbnails for the full resolution slides.)
ADAM will be in booth 2504 at the 2017 SME/CMA Annual Conference & EXPO from the 19th to the 22nd of February, 2017, in Denver.
ADAM will be in booth 40 at the 59th Annual Meeting of the AEG from the 18th to the 24th of September, 2016, in Hawaii.
ADAM will be in booth 3 at the 1st Asia Pacific Slope Stability in Mining Conference from the 6th to the 8th of September, 2016, in Brisbane.
ADAM will be in booth 108 at the 50th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium from the 26th to the 29th of June, 2016, in Houston.
ADAM will be in booth 2 at the International Seminar on Design Methods in Underground Mining from the 17th to the 19th of November, 2015, in Perth.
ADAM will be in booth 12 at the 58th Annual Meeting of the AEG from the 22nd to the 25th of September, 2015, in Pittsburgh.
ADAM will be in booth 17 at the Australian Institute of Mine Surveyors 2015 National Conference from the 12th to the 14th of August, 2015, in Perth. ADAM will also be presenting a talk entitled "Recent advances in UAV photogrammetry", looking at how recent enhancements to 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite have increased both UAV project size and attainable accuracies by way of several case studies that show what is now possible even with off-the-shelf computer hardware. The program is available here.
ADAM will be in booth 9 at the Iron Ore 2015 Conference from the 13th to the 15th of July, 2015, in Perth.
ADAM is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathan Wasley as Client Services Manager. Nathan was Senior Cartographer at Whelans for the previous 11 years and brings 20 years' experience in Mapping and Cartography to the role.
ADAM will be in booth 14 at the AusRock 2014: The Third Australasian Ground Control in Mining Conference from the 5th to the 6th of November, 2014, in Sydney.
ADAM will be in booth 5 at the DFNE 2014: The First International Conference on Discrete Fracture Network Engineering from the 19th to the 22nd of October, 2014, in Vancouver.
ADAM will be in booth 7 at the 57th Annual Meeting of the AEG from the 20th to the 28th of September, 2014, in Scottsdale.
ADAM will be in booth 112 at the 116th National Western Mining Conference from the 14th to the 17th of April, 2014, in Denver.
ADAM will be in booth 37 at the 12th AusIMM Underground Opeators' Conference from the 24th to the 26th of March, 2014, in Adelaide.
ADAM will be in booth 30 at the Slope Stability 2013 International Symposium from the 25th to the 27th of September, 2013, in Brisbane.
ADAM will be in booth 27 at the 56th Annual Meeting of the AEG from the 10th to the 13th of September, 2013, in Seattle.
ADAM will be in booth 81 at the Iron Ore 2013 Conference from the 12th to the 14th of August, 2013, in Perth.
LiDAR News has an article on UAVs that mentions ADAM Technology and 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite.
3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite and the ADAM Underground Field Kit were shown on ABC TV's Catalyst program on the 14th of February, starting just after the 8 minute mark of the program, demonstrating the process of capturing the images and illustrating the value of obtaining accurate 3D models of the excavation.
ADAM will give a talk entitled "Underground Applications of 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite" at the EAGCG Workshop on New Technologies in Ground Control from the 17th to the 18th of April, 2013, in Brisbane.
ADAM will be in booth 2104 at the 2013 SME/CMA Annual Meeting & Exhibit from the 24th to the 27th of February, 2013, in Denver.
The Sydney Morning Herald has an article on UAVs that mentions ADAM Technology.
ADAM will be in booth 4 at the Eighth AusIMM Open Pit Operator's Conference 2012 on the 18th and 19th of September, 2012, in Perth.
Added a video to our YouTube channel and an accompanying blog post on the use of UAVs with 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite, featuring video footage taken from a UAV and the entire process of transforming the captured images into DTMs.
iTnews has published the first of three articles on the use of UAVs at mine sites in Australia, featuring many images of our aircraft in operation as well as some images of the results.
HELImetrex, one of ADAM Technology's customers, is also quoted heavily.
The minesite featured in some of the images was originally using a laser scanner but has now been using UAVs for End-of-Month Crushed Ore Stockpile surveys instead for the last two years. Following the success of the UAV they have expanded its use from a single eight-minute flight over the COS once per month to 11 missions every month covering in excess of 8 km2 capturing pit walls, ROMs, the leach drain, block cave subsidence zone, and the COS.
Prior to taking delivery of the UAV the site conducted a benchmark trial, doing a direct comparison with the laser scanner. This was complicated by the fact that the laser scanner took three hours to scan the stockpiles while the UAV images were captured in the space of three minutes, so some differences would be expected purely because of the movement of material during that time. In spite of that the results were within 0.3% of each other, and well within their acceptance criteria.
The June edition of Geoinformatics has an article on 3DM Analyst by Adam Spring that includes the following quote:
Dr. Caradoc Peters, Head of Archaeology, University of Plymouth"After using free software and testing other packages like Photoscan and Photomodeler 3DM Analyst is in a different league in terms of camera calibration, flexibility of application, meshing capabilities and provenancing of work flow. It is a joy to use and exciting to be able to say we are the first university and department in the UK to have it."
ADAM will be in booth 31 at the ISPRS 2012 Congress from the 25th of August to the 1st of September, 2012, in Melbourne.
ADAM will be in booth 2 at the 46th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium from the 24th to the 27th of June, 2012, in Chicago.
ADAM will be in booth 8 at the Narrow Vein Mining Conference 2012 from the 26th to the 27th of March, 2012, in Perth.
ADAM will be in booth 125 at the 12th International Congress on Rock Mechanics from the 18th to the 21st of October, 2011, in Beijing.
ADAM will be in booth 18 at the Slope Stability 2011 Symposium from the 18th to 21st of September, 2011, in Vancouver.
ADAM will be in booth 3 at the 45th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium from the 26th of June to the 29th of June, 2011, in San Francisco.
Welaptega Marine, users of 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite since 2006, have issued a press release on how ADAM's 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite was used to assess the damage to BP's Deepwater Horizon oil well in the Gulf of Mexico last year. The same software that is used for open pit and underground mining, aerial mapping, dinosaur footprint modelling, and denture wear analysis was used to create accurate 3D models that were used by BP in the repair of the damaged well — just one of many successful applications of the software by both Welaptega and ADAM Technology for the offshore oil and gas industry.
ADAM will be in booth 34 at the 11th AusIMM Underground Operators' Conference to be held on the 21st to the 23rd of March, 2011, in Canberra, ACT.
ADAM will be presenting a talk entitled "Shotcrete thickness measurement — a free by-product of underground mapping with photogrammetry" at the Australian Centre for Geomechanics' "Shotcrete Quality Assurance and Quality Control Workshop" to be held in Canberra, ACT, on the 20th of March, 2011. Anyone interested in attending the workshop can download and complete the registration brochure and send it to the addresses provided.
Updated the ADAMcare Problem Report Form.
ADAM Technology has added a Blog so team members can quickly and easily publish articles and news items.
The American Surveyor magazine has published an article on 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite and how it compares to laser scanning, as well as a PDF of the original article as it appeared in the March/April 2010 edition of Geomatics World.
ADAM is proud to sponsor the 7th Large Open Pit Conference to be held on the 27th and 28th of July, 2010, in Perth, Western Australia. ADAM will also be exhibiting in booth 5.
ADAM will be in booth 13 at the 44th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium/5th US-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium from the 27th of June to the 30th of June, 2010, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
ADAM is proud to sponsor the Australasian Mine Surveying Convention to be held from the 12th to the 14th of August, 2009, in Perth, Western Australia. ADAM will also be exhibiting in booth 2.
ADAM will be in booth 2 at the 43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium/4th US-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium from the 28th of June to the 1st of July, 2009, in Asheville, North Carolina.
ADAM will present a paper entitled "Using 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite for Slope Stability — Case Studies" at the Geotechnical Engineering for Open Pit Mines forum held in Brisbane, Queensland, from the 9th to the 11th of June, 2009.
ADAM will be exhibiting at the 3rd US-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium from the 9th to the 15th of May, 2009, in Toronto, Canada.
ADAM is proud to sponsor SHIRMS 2008, the 1st Southern Hemisphere International Rock Mechanics Symposium to be held from the 16th to the 19th of September, 2008, in Perth, Western Australia. ADAM will also be exhibiting in booth 14.
ADAM will be in booth 18 at the 42nd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium/2nd US-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium from 29th June to 2nd July, 2008. We will also be participating in the "Laser and Photogrammetric Methods for Rock Tunnel Characterization" workshop to be held on the 28th and 29th of June as part of the symposium, demonstrating our underground mapping system in action!
ADAM will present a paper entitled "Using 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite for Slope Stability" at the Slope Monitoring and Instrumentation Workshop on the 8th of May, 2008.
ADAM will be in booth 250-3 at EXPOMIN 2008 in Chile from the 15th to the 18th of April, 2008. We will also be giving a presentation entitled "Aerial and Terrestrial Photogrammetry in Geologic and Geotechnical Mapping and Automated Surveying" at 1 PM on the 16th — contact us for details!
ADAM will be in booth 35 at the Ozmine 2008 Exhibition and Conference in Jakarta on the 19th and 20th of February, 2008!
Position Magazine's December/January 2008 edition includes an article ADAM Technology wrote on using UAVs in conjunction with 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite.
ADAM will be in booth 10 at the 2007 International Symposium on Rock Slope Stability in Open Pit Mining and Civil Engineering in Perth from the 12th to the 14st of September, 2007, as well as participating in the Slope Monitoring Forum on the 11th, discussing how 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite can be used for both slope monitoring and analysis!
Added a page summarising and linking to various independent reports on 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite.
Added a page on Rotomotion's UAVs and how they can be used for aerial mapping and serveillance applications.
Added a page describing how 3DM Analyst can be used for Heritage Mapping and Archaeology.
Added a page showing the use of 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite for Underground Mining.
ADAM will be running three one-day courses at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver from Friday, the 1st of June to Sunday, the 3rd of June, immediately after the Canada-U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium. Contact ADAM Technology to register while spaces are still available!
ADAM will be in booth 6 at the 1st Canada-U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium in Vancouver from the 27th to the 31st of May, 2007, as well as participating in the "Workshop on Laser Scanning & Photogrammetry Methods for Rock Engineering" workshop on the 26th and 27th. Following the success of the Golden Rocks 2006 workshop we strongly encourage anyone interested to book early!
Mark Mudge from Cultural Heritage Imaging in San Francisco presented a paper entitled "Fast, Accurate, Simple to Use, Textured Point Cloud Generation for Cultural Heritage Documentation" at the Computer Applications in Archaeology 2007 Conference in Berlin from April 2–6, 2007. The presentation was co-authored by Mark Mudge, Neffra Matthews and Tom Noble from the US Bureau of Land Management's National Science and Technology Center, and Jason Birch from ADAM Technology, and described how 3DM Analyst is able to generate 3D models of historical artifacts in minutes, accurate to tens of microns if desired, using nothing more than a standard digital camera and a PC. Sample projects will be added to our website soon!
ADAM will be in stand 48 at Austmine 2007 on the 12th and 13th of February demonstrating 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite and a Rotomotion SR-20 UAV! See the exhibitions page for details.
ADAM is pleased to announce that it has been appointed the Australian distributor for Rotomotion's range of autonomous UAVs! With onboard GPS for navigation, these UAVs are capable of carrying a digital camera to predefined locations and capturing images fully autonomously — ideal for low-cost aerial mapping! ADAM plans to take a UAV around to various mine sites over the next few months to show the system in action — contact us for details.
Added a Tutorial showing how to use the new geotech support in 3DM Analyst to digitise joints.
Updated the exhibitions page with links to the paper and presentation ADAM Technology gave at Golden Rocks 2006.
Updated the 3DM Analyst homepage to include more details on sample applications and product options.
ADAM Technology will be participating in the "Laser and Photogrammetric Methods for Rock Face Characterization" workshop at the Golden Rocks 2006 conference in Golden, Colorado, on the 17th and 18th of June, 2006! See the exhibitions page for details.
Added a 24 megapixel merged image and a 33 megapixel merged image representing a single vertical strip of four images and a single horizontal strip of four images, respectively, from one of our customers' mine pits. 27 images were captured from each of two locations approximately 680m away from the pit wall with a Nikon D1x and 135mm lens, capturing an area of approximately 500m x 250m of pit wall with a pixel size of 3cm x 3cm on the ground. Because 3DM CalibCam was being used for orientations, control points could be placed safely around the top of the pit thereby avoiding the need to place them inside the pit itself, without sacrificing accuracy. Seven control points in total were used, giving quite a high level of redundancy. (Only one was technically necessary.) The resulting 3D Images were exported to VULCAN for geotechnical analysis.
Asian Surveying and Mapping has an article on a trial we conducted with one of our customers, using 3DM Analyst and 3DM CalibCam to process images captured from a helicopter using an EOS 300D, Canon's cheapest digital SLR!
Added a case study on the use of 3DM Analyst and 3DM CalibCam at BMA Coal in Queensland, Australia. This article also appears in the February edition of World Coal magazine.
Added the full resolution version of the merged image that appears in the World Coal magazine article — right-click on the link and select "Save target as..." (or similar) to save the image on your hard disk, then view it in Photoshop or some other image processing package. This 27 megapixel image is a real working image that was used for geotechnical analysis by the Geotechnical Services Group of BMA Coal's Central Queensland Office. It consists of four images captured from 220m away with a 50mm lens, covering approximately 300m of pit wall. The pixel size on the ground is approximately 4cm x 4cm, and two control points were used (in addition to two camera stations) for registering the data in 3D. (The control points can be seen on the top of the wall.) The images were corrected, colour balanced, and merged using a new feature of the upcoming version 2.2 release of 3DM CalibCam, currently in testing by all existing 3DM CalibCam users.
Added new flyers for 3DM Analyst and 3DM CalibCam.
Added a document outlining ADAM Technology’s recommendations for image capturing using 3DM Analyst and 3DM CalibCam in a mining environment.
Added an exhibitions page showing upcoming exhibits as well as images of past exhibits.
Added a camera recommendations page to give some general indications as to which cameras are best to use with 3DM Analyst. Feel free to contact us for specific recommendations that take into account your individual requirements!
Added a performance comparison page to show how 3DM Analyst performs on different CPUs.
ADAM's Goonyella Trial Report has been released! This is an abridged version of the report ADAM Technology compiled after the extensive trial held at BMA Coal's Goonyella coal mine in March of this year. As a result of the trial, BMA Coal have purchased both 3DM Analyst and 3DM CalibCam for use in pit wall mapping.
Added a sample projects page for 3DM Analyst. Contact us for a free viewer program allowing you to view the samples in 3D.
ADAM Technology develops innovative precision measuring systems for remote 3D measurement using Photogrammetry. More...
Photogrammetry is the science of using 2D images to make accurate measurements and models in 3D.
"Look – Up in the Air, It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane… No It’s Just Another Drone",
LiDAR News, May 2013
"Here comes the Drone Age",
Sydney Morning Herald, September 2012
"Digital Photogrammetry and ADAM Technology",
Geoinformatics, June 2012
"Australian miners send drones to work",
"Australia turns to homegrown drones",
"Use cases for Australian mining UAVs", and
"Mining drones bridge workplace safety concerns",
iTnews, May 2012
"Laser Scanning versus Photogrammetry?",
American Surveyor, June 2010, and Geomatics World, March/April 2010
"The UAV Experience",
Position Magazine, December/January 2008
"Digital Cameras In Indonesia",
Asian Surveying and Mapping, September 2005
Copyright © 2025 ADAM Technology