Archive for category FAQs

The Benefits of Texture for Geotechnical Analysis

In this post I discuss the benefits of textured surface models vs point clouds and untextured surface models when it comes to structural mapping.

Aerial Mapping with UAVs and 3DM Analyst Mine Mapping Suite

In this post I expand on the video I uploaded to our YouTube channel that illustrates how to use UAVs with our software.


What are residuals? How can we use them? This post answers both of those questions, showing how residuals can be used to identify blunders in your survey data, bad calibrations, and incorrect project setups.

Stereo Display Hardware

Stereo display options have been thin on the ground in recent years. This post covers a little of the history and describes in detail the specifications and setup of a new stereo workstation using the latest hardware that ADAM has purchased.

Removing Infrastructure from DTMs

In this post I explore how the DTM Filtering dialog can be used to remove infrastructure from DTMs for applications like stockpile volume calculations.

Aerial Photography

With the advent of low-cost aerial platforms like UAVs customers are increasingly becoming interested in capturing their own aerial imagery for use with 3DM Analyst. In this post I’ll look at the issues involved and the techniques we use.

How Accurate is Photogrammetry? — Part 3

Part 3 of this series looks at how much effort is required to achieve a given level of accuracy. This is critically important because although something may be possible in theory, if the effort required in practice is excessive then it may as well be impossible.

How Accurate is Photogrammetry? — Part 2

In Part 1 I looked at the levels of accuracy and detail that customers have been able to achieve with our software.

In Part 2 I’ll show how you can estimate the accuracy beforehand so you can achieve the required accuracy with the least effort.

How Accurate is Photogrammetry? — Part 1

In this first of a series of posts on accuracy I’ll look at the practical limits on what can be — and has been — achieved in the real world by our customers.

How Does Photogrammetry Work?

An easy-to-follow explanation of the technique that our software uses to acquire accurate 3D data.